Film School Rejects: Cannes 2011: And The Winners Are…
and Who Should Have Won Cannes 2011
Guardian: I was a judge at Cannes — "[He] respects honesty, passion. If you are like this, there will be no problem. But if you try to pull your Guardian bullshit with him, your two stars, three stars, you will be seeing stars!"
AV Club: Fox Searchlight suggests you see The Tree Of Life while high
A.V. Club: Pop Pilgrims travels to San Francisco for a look at Jimmy Stewart's apartment in Vertigo (Related posts: It's a Vertigo kind of day, San Francisco) Decade’s Best Science Fiction/Fantasy Movies Viewer's Poll Results
Total Film: The 50 Greatest Simpsons Movie References "Simpsons" Scenes and their Reference Movies
Actualidad Simpson: More Simpsons::Movies refs, in Spanish
duffzone: Simpsons references categorized by topic/title (e.g. The Godfather)
Neenja: And more
Salon: The Muppets are back, and more meta than ever (with trailer) — Hey, I'm not made of stone, y'know.
/Film: Frankenstein Films: Matt Reeves to Direct 'This Dark Endeavor;' David Auburn Writing 'The Casebook of Victor Frankenstein'— My favorite of the Classic Monsters is becoming a meme once again. Empire Online: Frankenstein's Casebook Opened: Ghost House Pictures prep Ackroyd novel — I enjoyed the book a great deal. And a screenplay by David Auburn! I'm sold.
Telegraph: Out Of This World: Science Fiction But Not As You Know It, British Library, review -- An exhibition at the British Library puts the early literary works of the young Brontë sisters next to 'A Clockwork Orange' and 'Alice In Wonderland', and asks some important questions about the genre's history. (A few years ago Elizabeth and I spent three weeks within a few minutes' walk of the BL during one of my favorite Novembers ever.) Here's the British Library's site.
NPR: Kurt Vonnegot on the shapes of stories
Retrofuture: Smell-o-Vision
David Bordwell: On "jump cuts" vs. "match cuts"